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Photo by Lex Photography: https://www.pexels.com/photo/silver-magic-keyboard-1109543/

Unlocking Business Success: The Power of Freelance HubSpot Development and Design

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses and agencies are increasingly recognising the value of leveraging powerful tools like HubSpot to streamline their marketing, sales, and customer service processes. As a skilled freelance HubSpot developer and designer, I bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the table, offering tailored solutions to businesses and agencies […]

Legacy Comps

Welcome to “Business in Focus” – a dedicated space where I spotlight my valued customers and their remarkable enterprises. From startups to established ventures, I celebrate the passion and innovation of businesses from diverse industries worldwide. Through insightful interviews and captivating success stories, I aim to inspire, motivate, and foster a strong sense of community […]

That one time I saved a business over £40k in retainer fees

I can’t believe I haven’t been shouting about this way before now! I had been doing a bit of a browse through my portfolio from my time as a freelancer at KP Kreative and asked myself why have I kept this positive outcome so quiet. I guess because the visual side of the project wasn’t […]

MILL Magazine

Welcome to “Business in Focus” – a dedicated space where I spotlight my valued customers and their remarkable enterprises. From startups to established ventures, I celebrate the passion and innovation of businesses from diverse industries worldwide. Through insightful interviews and captivating success stories, I aim to inspire, motivate, and foster a strong sense of community […]

Out with the Old, In with the New: Why a Fresh Website Can Replace Your Dated One

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, your website is often the first point of contact between your business and potential customers. A dated website can not only drive users away but also hinder your online presence and growth potential. In this blog post, I explore why investing in a new website to replace your dated one […]

HubSpot considered a Leader in B2B Marketing Automation Platforms for the third consecutive year

For the third consecutive year, HubSpot has solidified its position as a Leader in B2B Marketing Automation Platforms. This recognition underscores HubSpot’s continued commitment to innovation, customer success, and its pivotal role in shaping the landscape of marketing automation. Gartner, a trusted authority in technology research and analysis, has once again acknowledged HubSpot’s remarkable performance, […]

Planting for the Future: How We’re Making a Difference with The TreeApp

In a world where environmental concerns are taking center stage, KP Kreative has embarked on a journey to make a lasting impact. I’m excited to share our commitment to sustainability and our partnership with thetreeapp.org, an organisation dedicated to reforestation efforts. Planting the Seeds of Change My mission at KP Kreative extends beyond providing exceptional […]

Revving Up Your Digital Engine

In the fast-paced world of technology, a well-maintained website is your digital vehicle to success. Just like a car needs regular servicing to ensure it runs smoothly, your website also requires careful attention and maintenance to perform at its best. Let’s take a ride through the similarities between car servicing and building a brand new […]

Boost Your Business FREE: How Setting Up a Google Listing Page can benefit your credibility

In the era of smartphones and constant connectivity, having a robust online presence is vital for any business. One of the most effective ways to enhance your visibility and reach a broader audience is by creating a FREE Google listing page. In this blog post, we’ll explore the significance of establishing and optimising your Google […]

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